Monthly myth busting - Getting out of breath isn’t always bad for your lungs!
This month, we are busting the myth around breathlessness during physical activity being bad for your lungs.
The fear of getting out of breath may put you off doing any activity that makes you more breathless. Or you might be worried that getting breathless means a flare-up or an asthma attack is on the way. This can sometimes make you feel down and frustrated that your condition is stopping you getting fit.
But in fact, making yourself breathless through exercise isn’t harmful.
And if you have a lung condition it might help to know that getting your heart rate up can actually help you manage your symptoms.
You need strong muscles and a strong heart to use oxygen efficiently. If you increase your fitness and strengthen your muscles, you’ll get less breathless doing everyday activities like going shopping, doing housework or climbing the stairs. You may even re-discover activities you thought you could no longer do!
If you’re worried about figuring out the right level of physical exercise for you, speak to your doctor, nurse or physiotherapist.
Learn more about breathlessness and keeping active with a lung condition here:
You can read more about keeping active with asthma here:
We empower people with lung conditions to make changes that can be transformative.
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Beki is a PhD student from the West Midlands. She has several health conditions including severe asthma and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). EDS is a rare inherited condition that affects connective tissue. Last May, Beki set herself a fundraising challenge to complete 180,000 steps to raise money to mark World Asthma Day and EDS Awareness Month.